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NUJ Freedom Radio Chapel Felicitates Muslim Faithful, Harps on Unity

Nigeria Union of Journalists NUJ Freedom Radio Chapel has enjoined Comrades to imbibe the values of sacrifice, solidarity, unity and compassion as ingredients necessary to build a greater and prosperous Chapel.

This is in a statement signed by the Chairperson Comrade Aisha Muhammad Yalleman and its Secretary Comrade Muzamil Ibrahim Yakasai, as part of goodwill message to celebrate Eid-El-Kabir, 2024.

Comrade Yalleman, who also seeks for togetherness, offers words of encouragement to NUJ Comrades, as well as called on them to continue to live in peace, Solidarity and in calmness while discharging their duty.

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“As one Family we must come together by casting aside tendencies that seek to divide us, as that is the only way we can transmit values of generosity, kindness, and peace to future generations Comrades”.Comrade Yalleman.

She further reminded the Comrades to utilize the Eid-El-Kabir celebration to pray for colleagues who sick or down, in one way or the other, and not to also forget colleagues who has passed away in prayers.

“Let’s put passed away colleagues in our prayers too, our Organization Freedom Radio Nigeria and it’s management for more prosperity” Comrade Yalleman.

Happy Eid-El-Kabir.

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