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Coalition seeks appeal Court judgment sacking senate minority whip reviewed

The Coalition for Social Justice and Good Governance (CSJGG) has called on the President of the Court of Appeal to set up a panel to review the judgment in the Abia Central Senatorial seat dispute.

The co-Convener of the coalition, Mr Ciroma Ahmed, made the call in a statement on Monday in Abuja.

Ciroma said that the case was between Mr Augustine Akobundu of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and Sen. Darlington Nwokocha of Labour Party (LP) who is the Minority Whip of the Senate.

He said that the duo contested for the Abia Central Senatorial District seat in the 2023 National Assembly elections.

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According to him, Nwokocha emerged winner of the contest and was declared as such by INEC after pulling a total of 92,116 votes, dissatisfied with the result, Akobundu who scored 41447 votes sought judicial interpretation.

He said that the case went up to the Appeal Court and judgment was delivered on Saturday evening by Justice Biobele A. Georgewill-led National Assembly Election Appeal Court Panel.

He said that in the judgment, Akobundu of the PDP was declared winner on the grounds that Nwokocha of LP was not qualified to contest the elections.

Ciroma said that in another case, related in context, content, character and point of law, Rep. Ginger Onwusibe of LP was affirmed Rep for Isi-ala Ngwa North/South Federal Constituency of Abia by the same Justice Georgewill’s panel.

Onwusibe contested against Prof. Anthony Agbazuere of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) who challenged the out come of the election up to the appellate court.

“First, the appeal panel members on this case were changed and reconstituted three consecutive times before Justice Georgewill from Rivers was posted to head the panel.

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“In the light of the above, the coalition demands as follows; that the President, Court of Appeal should immediately constitute a judicial review panel to examine the circumstances of the conflicting judgements.

“We call on the Chief Justice of Nigeria to immediately convene an NJC meeting to address the numerous allegations against judicial officials.

“This is to restore the public confidence especially the people of Abia in the judiciary as the last hope of the people.,” he said.

The coalition demanded details of the judgment be make public saying that they will embark on massive protest to call out the Justice if their demands are not met.

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