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NLC President to Receive Medical Treatment Abroad After Scuffle in Imo

The President of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), Comrade Joe Ajaero, is set to be transported overseas for medical treatment following injuries he allegedly sustained in the hands of security operatives in Imo State.

The NLC president was in Owerri on Wednesday, November 1, to mobilize Imo workers for a scheduled protest rally, when thugs emerged and descended on the protesters and labour leaders.

A team of armed Policemen and hooded men in trucks were also said stormed the venue and arrested Ajaero alongside some labour leaders and some journalists, shooting sporadically. He was later released, but bruises all over his face.

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In a video that circulated on Thursday (today), Ajaero said, “they beat me. God must have taken extra time to create me ordinarily, ehn, the kind of beating.”

Speaking to The Nation on Thursday, the NLC publicity secretary, Benson Upah, said the NLC president could not be treated at the Federal Medical Centre (FMC), Owerri because of the nature of the injuries he sustained during the scuffle.

Details later…

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