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Ten farmers killed in Borno in 10 days – Lawmaker

The Member representing Chibok, Damboa, and Gwoza Federal Constituency, Ahmed Jaha, has raised concern about the relentless killing of ten farmers over ten days in the Gwoza Local Government Area of Borno State.

In an interview conducted after launching the distribution of starter packs to the most vulnerable farmers in his constituency at the Government House’s multipurpose hall in Maiduguri on Wednesday, Jaha expressed, “As I’m talking to you now, farmers are not safe in my constituency.”

According to him, “In ten days ten farmers were killed, at the beginning, six farmers were killed, later on, they beheaded two, yesterday when I was busy in the constituency condoling the families of the victims, they came and killed two farmers again”.

“My people are not safe, I’m saying this with a full sense of responsibility, particularly the peasant farmers,” said Jaha.

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Jaha explained that it is a constitutional responsibility of the federal government to provide security to all citizens but Borno state government is investing heavily to complement the federal government efforts in achieving relative security in the state.

He said as a member of House Committee on the Army, he is expecting Army to do more than what they are doing in the fight against Boko Haram in the Northeast, taking into consideration the huge amount of money budgeted for the Army alone in the 4 past years.

“In 2022 we budgeted N591 billion out of which less than N50 billion was for the capital expenditure while the remaining was for the recurrent expenditure, so what I’m saying is that the government is investing a huge amount of money in security in the country without proper supervision on how they spend that money”.

“I’m sure the current administration of Asiwaju Bola which we consider as a team player, who plays along with the team players, he will give you what you want but he will make sure that the money appropriated is being used for the purpose intended,” he said.

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