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VIDEO: Govs, Presidents are Superior to any King, Says Obasanjo as He Orders Oyo Monarchs to Stand, Greet Him

In a trending video on social media, former President Olusegun Obasanjo created a mild stir on Friday as he ordered several Oyo monarchs to stand up and greet him during the inauguration of the Iseyin Campus of Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH).

Speaking in Yoruba, he emphasized the cultural tradition of respect in Yoruba land, particularly when it comes to acknowledging age and position.

He said by position Governors and President are superior to any monarch, therefore he deserves accord from the monarch gathered at the event.

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He said in Yoruba, “I greet the kings and chiefs here sitting; I am grateful that you are here. Let me say this: wherever the president or governor is, the kings present must stand up to honour him.

“In Yoruba land, there are two things that are most respected among others: age and position. When a governor is still in power, he’s more powerful than any king.

“Even when I was president, I prostrated for kings outside, and when we went inside, the kings would prostrate for me. So, let’s always celebrate our culture.”

Watch the video HERE

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