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MSSN FUNAAB Protests Alleged Bullying, Victimisation of Niqab-Wearing Students

Members of the Muslim Students Society of Nigeria (MSSN) at the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (FUNAAB), have taken to the streets in protest over alleged unfair treatment targeting students who wear Niqabs, a traditional Islamic face veil, by the university’s management.

Videos and photographs of the protest, which occurred at the university’s main gate, surfaced on social media, showing students holding placards with various messages expressing their concerns.

The students protested that it is unjustifiable for the university’s management to permit some students to dress provocatively on campus while subjecting Muslim students who wear Niqabs to scrutiny and disciplinary actions.

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Taking to Twitter to further air their grievances over the issue, the FUNAAB branch of MSSN wrote, “The bullying from the school management towards Niqab using sisters is getting out of hand. We have the right to dress according to our beliefs!”

In another post, the Muslim students’ body wondered why students have to face the University disciplinary committee just because of practicing their religion.

“Why do our Niqab-using sisters have to face the Student Disciplinary Committee for practicing their religion?”

“Why do we have to live in hardship on FUNAAB Campus for practicing our religion? Niqab is part of the Islamic dressing for Muslim ladies, it’s our right!” another post read.

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