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EFCC: ‘Frivolous’ court judgments, arbitrary adjournment…why High-Profile Corruption Cases are Lost in Nigeria

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has voiced its frustration over the challenges it faces in securing convictions in corruption cases, including high-profile ones.

The EFCC’s spokesman, Wilson Uwajaren, addressed these concerns during an interview with journalists in Kaduna State, shedding light on the obstacles hindering the swift prosecution of corruption cases and the subsequent failure to secure convictions.

Uwajaren cited several factors contributing to these setbacks, including what he referred to as frivolous court judgments based on technicalities rather than factual evidence and national interest.

He also mentioned the arbitrary adjournment of corruption cases as another significant hindrance.

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During the workshop on Effective Reporting of EFCC Activities held in Kaduna state, Uwajaren shared that the commission achieved approximately 7,700 convictions across the country in 2022.

In his remarks, Acting Chairman of the commission, Abdulkarim Chukkol, expressed his concern over the growing prevalence of internet-related fraud among the youth in Kaduna State.

Chukkol, represented by acting Zonal Commander Aisha Abubakar, lamented that the active involvement of youths in Internet-related fraud had the tendency to smear the image of the country and consequently discourage hard work and legitimate means of livelihood.

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The EFCC boss called on the media to focus on exposing the menace of internet crimes and to inform the public about the activities of these criminal elements, helping protect them from falling victim to fraud.

He also reiterated the EFCC’s unwavering commitment to eradicating all forms of economic and financial crimes in the country, emphasizing that these efforts had already led to the conviction of over 100 financial crime offenders in the Kaduna zonal office alone.

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