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Niger Military Junta Forms New Government with 21-Man Cabinet

Following their takeover in a recent coup, military leaders in Niger have established a fresh government, as announced through a televised decree on Thursday.

Prime Minister Ali Mahaman Lamine Zeine will steer the 21-member government, with generals from the newly-formed military governing council leading the defense and interior ministries.

The military leaders affirmed the legitimacy of the new government in a broadcast on Thursday, revealing that the decree outlining its establishment was formally announced on the nation’s television network.

Mahamane Roufai Laouali, cited as “Secretary General of the Government”, read out 21 names on state television.

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Three coup leaders were named ministers of defence, interior and sports. Former Finance Minister Ali Mahamane Lamine Zeine, who had been named prime minister on Monday, was also appointed finance minister for the new government.

READ ALSO: Niger’s Junta Refuses Entry to Negotiators, Allies Appeal to UN

Niger’s previous government had 43 ministers. None of them were military officers.

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