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Meet Benue Priest Who Feeds IDPs, Destitutes – DAILY TRUST REPORT

Reverend Father Solomon Mfa, a Catholic priest, leaves no one in doubt about his penchant for bettering the lives of the less privileged, especially those of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Benue State.

Mfa has become a household name for humanitarian services as he evidently makes life easy for the have-nots of society.

The priest had, in October 2020, made a dream come true for nonagenarian Mama Agatha Kwasena Awua popularly known as ‘Mama Six Eggs’ after she visited with a gift of six eggs to console Mfa, who at the time was robbed.

The old woman never knew that her six eggs gift would become the foundation of a beautiful dream home that ended her nightmare in a ramshackle hut she once lived after the priest traced her to the house only to find out her pitiable condition.

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