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Customers are more comfortable with online patronage – Hauwa Nura Ahmad

As online business across some Northern states is gathering momentum, ‘GOOD EVENING NIGERIA‘ interviews a young entrepreneur who engages her customers online.

The young entrepreneur is Hauwa Nura Ahmad resident of Hotoro. She is a shy-looking young lady who reveals that she is into alawar madara, kwakumeti, and other traditional Hausa candies as a hubby and with how the world accepts the digital economy, she felt it is very important to transact business online.

The 20-year-old Hauwa Nura Ahmad is currently studying at Danshareef School of Nursing Kano.

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Hauwa, who named her business as ‘Hawwerh’s candies‘, said she has been in the business for the past two years.

When our reporter inquired from her why she is in business, she said the world has passed a stage where young ladies will sit hard, tight at home doing nothing even if they earned a qualification.

Hauwa added that with abundant opportunities and what the digital economy offers these days, a woman who is studying needs to utilize her knowledge, develop herself and younger ones.

According to her, a time has come when ladies should stop relying solely on their parents at their growing age because they have done the best they can do for a child, including upbringing, taking children to school among other parental responsibilities for them.

In addition, she said the method she is adopting when people want to purchase her candies is that orders are made through online channels and deliveries are made by her or the customers will come and take it themselves.

But she said with the growing awareness of online businesses, a greater percentage of her customers patronize candies online and that is making her committed to the business.

She also said people patronize her more on WhatsApp and Instagram pages.

Ahmad Hotoro said the profit she is making is appreciable and is making her more committed to the business.

She said one of the things that impressed her as a woman was that those patronizing her online have never met her in person, which is very good for a Muslim woman where much interaction with people who are not one’s relatives is restricted.

Hauwa Nura Ahmad, however, called on fellow young women in Kano and Nigeria to seize the opportunity and engage in online businesses to earn a living, and reduce the burden of their responsibilities on their parents.

She said her passion for the online candy business cannot be overemphasized as her passion is increasing by the day.

Hauwa Nura Ahmad can be reach at phone: 07032133373

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