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Kano Gov’t Seals Private Owned Clinic Over Non Compliance

The Kano State Private Health Institutions Management Agency (PHIMA) has sealed off Reach clinic over non compliance with the law establishing the Agency and standard operation guidelines.

Good Evening Nigeria reports that the Director General of the PHIMA, Professor Salisu Ibrahim Ahmad directed the immediately closure of the private owned clinic, as stated in a statement issued by the Information Officer, Kano State Ministry of Health, Ibrahim Abdullahi.

Professor Ahmad said the clinic is situated along Court Road, Gyadi-Gyadi quarters in the metropolis, adding that it was sealed off because it was opened before completing the documentations and guidelines laid down by the PHIMA, necessary for opening any private health institution.

The DG stated that the information the clinic presented to the Agency was totally contrary with the record they have in possession regarding the hospital when they were invited for discussion.

He noted with dismay the fact that the staff names the Reach clinic submitted to the PHIMA as their registered staff were not even in the state so much that some are no longer working with the clinic.

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“Unfortunately, the doctors we get working at the time of our arrival to the hospital were not the ones whose names were given to us. In view of this, we deem it pertinent to close the clinic until when they abide by all the rules and standard operation guidelines, because they are not even permitted to start operation”, Prof. Salisu maintained.

He recalled that the law of the PHIMA that empowers it to oversee activities of the private health institutions has stipulated it that, for any centre to be opened, it must come to the Agency to complete the required documentations regarding its staff and the activities it is going to undertake.

The DG added that with all these, such a centre wouldn’t be allowed to start operation until when the Agency goes and examine as well as assess the information submitted to them and become satisfied with.

“Reach clinic just go ahead and open the hospital without our permission despite the lapses they have. That is why we sealed off the clinic. It will remain closed until we are given with the genuine information that we are require and become convince with”, Prof. Salisu assured.

The DG pointed out that Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf is much concern with the health of the people of the state, maintaining that the Governor is so committed and determined to see that the healthcare system is robust and standardized.

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He noted that since coming on board, His Excellency is being up and doing towards fulfilling the promises he made on health sector and the commitment is yielding positive results as people can attest to.

“If our health amiable Governor can deny himself sleep in the night and goes out supervising health facilities what of us he entrusted to steer the wheel of healthcare system of the state? We must also not relent. We must work hard to complement to this noble effort of our leader.

“On this note, I want to call on private health institutions in the state to ensure they are operating in accordance with the standard guidelines and laws establishing the PHIMA. We will surely not hesitate to close any clinic that fails to follow due process”, Prof. Salisu concluded.

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