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Six Niger Soldiers, 10 ‘Terrorists’ Killed in Clash

Six soldiers from Niger and 10 individuals identified as “terrorists” lost their lives in a confrontation, on Sunday, according to authorities.

The troops came under attack by suspected jihadists on motorcycles in the vicinity of the western town of Sanam.

The National Guard High Command confirmed this occurrence through a statement.

Sanam is situated within the Tillaberi tri-border area, an intersection where Niger shares borders with Mali and Burkina Faso.

READ ALSO: Niger Junta to Prosecute Ousted President Bazoum for Treason, Security Breach

This geographical zone is known for its susceptibility to jihadist attacks.

The event follows a similar incident on August 9, where five soldiers were fatally attacked in the same area. The military regime, which took control after the ousting of President Mohamed Bazoum on July 26, reported this earlier incident.

General Abdourahamane Tiani, the leader of the coup, cited the “deteriorating security situation” within the nation as the rationale behind the removal of Bazoum from power.



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