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One Year Anniversary: Pharmacist Gali Sule Lauds Gov Yusuf’s Achievements in Health Sector

Umar Idris Shuaibu – Kano

The Director General Kano State Drugs and Medical Consumables Supply Agency, Pharm. Gali Sule has applauded the notable achievements of Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf in the health sector in general.

Pharm. Sule made the commendation while felicitating with the governor over one year anniversary in office, as contained in a statement issued Wednesday by Farouk Isa Musa, Public Relations Officer of the agency.

The DG listed some of the laudable achievements recorded by the state government, particularly at DMCSA, including providing qualitative and affordable drugs and consumables.

“Since we came on board in July last year, the agency is procuring and supplying healthcare facilities with high-quality, registered drugs and medical consumables that are affordable to the patients.

“There is also a substantial increase in the availability and accessibility of drugs and medical consumables to health facilities throughout the state,” he disclosed.

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Other laudable achievements, according to him, include the payment of over 50% of the outstanding debts inherited from the previous administration and the jointly-built world standard pharmagrade warehouse, which will be commissioned soon.

“I, Pharm. Gali Sule, FPSN, Director General, Kano State Drugs and Medical Consumables Supply Agency, on behalf of the Management and entire staff of the Agency, rejoice with His Excellency, Alh. Abba Kabir Yusuf, Executive Governor of Kano State, on the special occasion commemorating his one year in office,” he rejoiced.

“His Excellency has deployed an effective means for sustaining peace, initiated programmes and policies that better the lives of Kano residents.

‘You have prioritised supply and distribution of affordable drugs to the teeming masses, which has significantly improved the overall healthcare delivery programme of your administration.

“It is our prayer that may Allah continue to protect and give you sound health to serve the people better,” Pharm. Sule prayed.

This was contained in a statement signed by the Public Relations Officer of the agency, Farouk Isa Musa and made available to newsmen.

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