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Ed-el-Maulud: Jigawa declares Thursday public holiday

The Jigawa State Government has declared Thursday as a public holiday to mark 2023 Eid-el-Maulud celebration.

The Public Relations Officer, Office of the Head of Civil Service (HoS), announced this in a statement made available to newsmen on Wednesday.

Ibrahim quoted the State’s Head of Service, Alhaji Muhammad Dagaceri as saying that the approval for the holiday was given by Gov. Umar Namadi of the state.

“I write to inform you that Government has declared 12th R/Awwal, 1445AH (28th September, 2023) as work free day to celebrate the Birthday (Maulud Nabiy) of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W),” Ibrahim quoted the HoS.

READ ALSO: Eid-el-Maulud: Emulate Prophet Muhammad’s Lifestyle, Kano Dep Gov Urges Muslims

He said Dagaceri enjoined the workers and the entire Muslims in the state to be tolerant and prayerful for peace, tranquility and development.

The HoS also called on residents to use the period to pray for Allah’s protection and guidance for leaders in steering the affairs of the state and the nation at large.

Eid-el-Maulud is being celebrated every 12th day of the Islamic month of Rabiul Auwal to mark the birth of the Holy Prophet Muhammad ( SAW).

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