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Atiku to African leaders: ‘Focus on the disease that birth coups, not the symptoms’

Atiku Abubakar, the former vice president, has urged African leaders to address the root causes behind the recent surge in coups across the continent, rather than focusing solely on the resulting consequences.

In a social media post on Thursday via the platform X (formerly known as Twitter), Atiku responded to the recent coup in Gabon – the eighth to occur in Africa since 2020.

He labeled the coup in the Central African nation as condemnable and stressed the importance of upholding democracy throughout the continent.

“The coup in Gabon stands condemned. Democracy and democratic governance have come to stay as a preferred form of governance, and everything should be done to enthrone, nurture, and sustain it.

“As I suggested in the case of the Niger Republic, the ECOWAS and African Union authorities should open a window of diplomatic engagement that will pave the way for the soldiers to return to the barracks.

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“The latest coup brings the number of military takeovers in Central and West Africa to 8 since 2020. This is worrisome and calls for introspection.

“We may have to focus on dealing with the disease and not the symptoms that birth coup,” he wrote.

In recent events, a military coup disrupted the stability of Gabon, ousting the president whose family had held power for decades. The president, Ali Bongo Ondimba, had faced allegations of election fraud and corruption during his long rule over the oil-rich nation.

Amidst the coup, the capital’s residents were seen celebrating and engaging with soldiers on the streets.

However, the situation remains uncertain with President Bongo reportedly under house arrest, his son apprehended, borders closed, and government functions suspended.

Global leaders, including President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, expressed concern and condemned the coup. Some leaders advised their citizens in Gabon to remain indoors to ensure their safety.

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